As an occupational therapist, I am always looking for ways to combine movement and learning. Learning should be fun. As children are learning to read, a fun activity is to place flashcards on bowling pins and have the child read the word, aim, and fire. To play, kids can read a word and aim for that pin, they can hit a pin and read the pin that they knocked down, or they can knock a number of pins down and tell me the pins left standing. To ensure that I can be responsive with the words appropriate to their reading level, I attach velcro coins to the flashcards and pins so that I can efficiently set the game up just for the child/children that I am working with. Child win – engaging activity – who doesn’t like to aim at a target? Teacher win – reading practice. OT win – opportunity to develop hand-eye coordination! In summary, it is a win-win-win activity for all. Have a great week everyone!